Saturday, May 4, 2019

Parle d'avant


Abuna, abundance.
Aganlo, children of mixed mortal and fairy birth.
Akazya, a poisonous tree.
Amie, do not know.
Anlingo, water.
Antyâ (sing. intyâ), eyes.
Anyambe, the Divine Name.
Awĕmĕ, yourself.
Ayĕnwĕ, unseen.

Bâbâkâ, consent thou.
Behu, kitchen garden.
Benda, a kind of rat.
Biañ, medicine.
Bobâbu, soft.
Bohamba, a certain medicinal tree.
Boka, a certain medicinal tree.
Bokadi, a certain medicinal tree.
Bokuda, a certain medicinal tree.
Bolondo, a poisonous tree.
Bongâm, a certain medicinal tree.
Botombaka, passing away.
Buhwa, day.
Bwanga, medicine.

Dâgula, Mr., a title of respect.
Diba, marriage.
Diyâ, the hearth; a household.
Diyaka, to live.

Ebâbi, a male love philtre.
Egona, a small antelope horn.
Ehongo, a cornucopia.
Ekongi, a guardian-spirit fetich.
Ekope, a girdle.
Elâmbâ, a certain medicinal tree.
Elinga, a basket.
Etomba, tribe.
Evove, harlot.
Ewiria, words of hidden meaning.

Fufu, mashed, boiled ripe plantains.

Go, to, in, at.
Greegree (gris-gris), fetich amulet.
Gumbo, okra.
Gwandere, a medicine for worms.

Haye, will not do.
Hume, a certain fish.

Ibambo (pl. abambo), ghosts.
Ibâtâ, a blessing.
Iga, the forest.
Iguga, woe.
Ihĕli, a gazelle.
Ijawe (pl. majawe), blood relative.
Ikaka (pl. makaka), family name.
Ilala, an arch; a stairway.
Ilina (pl. malina), soul.
Ina, my mother.
Ininla (pl. anlinla), soul.
Injĕnji, a certain leaf; fault.
[Pg 388]Isakiliya, kindling-wood.
Isiki (pl. asiki), a dwarf changeling.
Itaka, a kitchen hanging-shelf.
Itala, a view.
Ivaha, a wish.
Ivenda (pl. ampenda), glory.
Iyele, a female love philtre.

Ja, of.
Jaka, to beget.
Joba, the sun.
Jomba, meat cooked in a bundle of plantain leaves.
Juju, an amulet.

, and you.
Kasa, a lash.
Keva, to surpass.
Kilinga, a kind of bird.
Kimbwa-mbenje, native bark-cloth.
Kna, a kind of bird.
Knakna, a large kind of bird.
Koka, a large kind of bird.
Kombo, a superstitious ejaculation.
Konde, queen.
Kota, a certain tree.
Kulu, a kind of spirit.
Kumu, a stump.
Kwedi, time of mourning.

Lale, my father.

Mabili, an east-wind fetich.
Mba, not I.
Mbenda, ground-nut.
Mbi, I.
Mbinde, a wild goat.
Mbolo, gray hairs; a salutation.
Mbulu, a wild dog.
Mbumbu, rainbow.
Mbundu, poison ordeal.
Mbwa (pl. imbwa), dog.
Mbwaye, a poison test.
Mehole, ripe plantains.
Miba, water.
Miĕ, me.
Monda, witchcraft medicine.
Mondi (pl. myondi), a class of spirits.
Mpazya, skin disease.
Mulimate, a small horn for cupping.
Musimo, spirits of the dead.
Muskwa, a medicinal brush.
Mutira, a medicinal stick.
Mvia, a kind of bird.
Mwana, a child.
Mwanga, a plantation.

Na, with.
Ndabo, house.
Ndĕmbĕ, young.
Nduma, a kind of snake.
Ngalo, a guardian-spirit charm.
Ngâma, a water plant.
Ngândâ, gourd seeds.
Ngânde, moon.
Ngofu, an iron fetich bracelet.
Ngunye, a flying-squirrel.
Nguwu, hippopotamus.
Ngwe, mother.
Njabi, a wild oily fruit.
Njĕgâ, leopard.
Nkâlâ, a large snail.
Nkânjâ, a marriage dance.
Nkendo, a magician’s bell.
Nkinda (pl. sinkinda), a class of spirits.
Nsânâ, Sunday.
Nsinsim, a shadow.
Ntori, a large forest rat.
Ntyĕgĕ, a monkey.
Nungwa, open thou.
Nunja, shut thou.
Nyamba, a scarf slung over the right shoulder, in which to carry a babe.
Nyemba, witchcraft.
Nyolo, body.
 [Pg 389]
Odika, kernel of the wild mango.
Oganga, doctor.
Ogĕndâ, a journey.
Ogwĕrina, rear of a house.
Okove, a powerful fetich.
Okume, African mahogany tree.
Okundu, a kind of fetich for trading.
Olâgâ (pl. ilâgâ), a class of spirits.
Olako, a camping place.
Ombwiri (pl. awiri), a class of spirits.
Ompunga, wind.
Orala, a hanging shelf over a fireplace.
Oraniga, last-born.
Orâwo, insult.
Orĕga, the Njĕmbĕ secret society drum.
Orunda, a prohibition; taboo.
Osĕngĕ, a cleared place in the forest.
Ovâvi (pl. ivâvi), messenger.
Owavi (pl. sijavi), a leaf.
Ozyâzi, a pestle.
Ozyoto, a cornucopia.

Paia, my father.
Pavo, a knife.
Pĕkĕ, ever.

Rera, my father.

Saba, an oath.
Sabali, an oath.
Sale, hail!

Tamba, the womb.
Tubĕ, a certain leaf.
Tuwaka, bless; spit

Udinge, a great person.
Ukuku (pl. mekuku), spirit; secret society.
Ukwala, a machete.
Untyanya, a medicinal bark.
Unyongo, a medicinal tree.
Upuma, a period of six months.
Utodu, old.
Uvengwa, a phantom.

Veya, fire.

Yâginla, imperative, hear thou.
Yâkâ, a family fetich.